Friday, March 11, 2016

We're not exactly professional directors...

When Paty and I were bouncing ideas off of each other, there were almost too many that were too good. Since we are high school students with limited resources, we realized we needed to be more realistic about our film opening. This helped to eliminate a lot of our ideas that were definitely great ideas, just too far fetched for our abilities. 
Once we were like "oh, wait, we've never made a film opening before...", we realized we needed to do research on how to be successful in finally making a film opening! I read a list of 11 Pro Tips for Movie-making, which divides the movie making process into three parts: pre-production, production, and post-production. This helps us try not to figure out every single aspect of the movie at once, but instead pace ourselves and space it out. 
The article also mentioned thinking of locations that are available to film the movie in, which is actually something that Paty and I had already discussed. Since our genre is horror, we wanted to film in a place that had a creepy, eerie, uncomfortable feeling. Pity mentioned filming at Markham Park, a local park, at night, which is the perfect place. Because the park is so big and so dark with no one else around you, it doesn't really feel like no one else is around you. It's the perfect place for our film.
We also found a list of 10 video-making apps, which will come in handy later once the actual filming process begins. 
Graves, Stephen. "How to Make a Short Film: 11 Pro Tips for Movie-making." Stuff. N.p., 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
Cook, Benjamin. "10 Video-making Apps That Help You Make the Best Home Movies." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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